Easy Employer ID Number

Get your EIN number in a matter of minutes.

We can handle your EIN application for you if you have lost, changed, or have an IRS discrepancy.

What is an EIN Number?

EINs are identifying numbers given to businesses by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Nine numbers make up the EIN number, which is utilized for tax purposes.

An EIN number is given to a company when it registers with the IRS. Every tax paperwork and interaction with the IRS must include this number. When businesses create bank accounts or ask for loans, banks and other financial organizations also utilize EIN numbers. In a nutshell, an EIN number serves as a distinctive identification number for American enterprises.

Reasons you need a EIN Number?

Pay your federal taxes.

Anyone wishing to file federal taxes must have an EIN number. Individuals, corporations, trusts, and estates are all affected by this. All tax returns submitted to the IRS include the taxpayer's EIN number, which is used to identify the individual.

Hire personnel.

You'll need to get an EIN number first if you're planning on hiring staff. When a new employee joins your company, you must give them this number. You won't be able to file payroll tax returns or deduct taxes from your employees' paychecks if you don't have an EIN number.

Open a bank account.

You'll need to have your company's EIN number on hand when you're prepared to open a business bank account because most banks will ask for it when you start the account.

Apply for business permits and licenses.

Applying for a business license or permit is one of the first steps you must take when beginning a new firm. You will require an EIN number to present to the concerned government entities in order to accomplish this.

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Frequently asked questions

How long will it take to receive my EIN?

Depending on the delivery method you chose, we can receive your EIN and email it to you in Iess than 60 minutes.

Is there a way to verify my EIN?

The IRS will issue you a letter confirming your EIN, which is required to open a bank account and for other business-related purposes. GOVTOTAL can swiftly and easily obtain this letter on your behalf.

What is the difference between an EIN, a TIN or a Tax ID?

Any ID number issued by the IRS is known as a TIN, often known as a Taxpayer Identification Number (Tax ID). Only one kind of TIN number is an EIN.